Spotlight: All About the Timeless and Vibrant Sunflower


This flower needs no introduction. You know it when you see it and it’s definitely a late summer/early fall favorite amongst many. You can count on them to bring you that spark of joy every year! Let’s get started on learning about all things sunflowers —


about the sunflower

Sunflowers, aka Helianthus annus, are tall, vibrant, and strong in all the ways. Known to grow up to 12 feet tall, sunflowers make a statement—one you can’t forget! They are native to North America and have been grown by Native American and Mexican tribes for centuries; in fact, many archaeologists believe it to be grown long before corn!

Moreover, the sunflower is best known for its big and bright yellow features. In fact, many tend to misunderstand its overall anatomy. It’s often that the sunflower head is seen as the entire flower, but that’s actually incorrect. A sunflower bud is made up of a plethora of flowers (over 1,000), which are the singular yellow blossoms in the center of the sunflower head that attract pollinators and make it the showstopping flower that it is. In addition, the petals that surround the perimeter are named “ray florets.” So basically, a sunflower within a sunflower within a sunflower… “sunflower inception”, if you will.

However, not all sunflowers are created equal. Although yellow is the most popular and common variety, sunflowers vary in size and color. They even come in dwarf sizes and in diverse colors such as cream and burgundy. There are over 50 types of sunflowers out there and they all equally deliver that electrifying color and joy we all adore!


growing sunflowers

Luckily, sunflowers are quite easy to grow! We made a list with our growing tips & tricks to make things easy for you:

  1. Plant them after your last frost date. Don’t be afraid to follow your seed packet instructions, Google your planting questions, and ask your local nursery for help!

  2. They need lots of sunlight (shocker, right?) Sunflowers quite literally need plenty of sun. Make sure to plant them in an area where they will get at least 6-8 hours of direct sun per day for them to develop to their fullest potential.

  3. Well-drained soil. Soggy soil will negatively affect the sunflower’s growth. Make sure it is being well-drained by checking on the soil in between each watering.

  4. Fertilize. Sunflowers will grow strong and healthy when given additional nutrients that can be found in a solid fertilizer.

  5. Give them support. Because sunflowers tend to be top-heavy, they may need some extra support through staking. To add, it’s ideal if you can plant them away from a windy area.


sunflower fun facts

  • Ukraine’s national flower is the beloved sunflower

  • Sunflowers pollinate independently with the help of the wind and insects

  • In 2012, they made it to space! Astronaut Don Pettit brought some seeds to the International Space Station

  • The tallest grown sunflower is said to have been in Germany, reaching up to 30 feet tall!

  • Sunflowers have a trait called “heliotropism”, which is their ability to turn towards the sun throughout the day as it moves directions

  • They’ve been used for medicinal purposes, dyes, and foods/oils